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B2W Track (Field Tracking & Analysis) Overview

Plan for Profitability B2W Track allows you to compare estimated costs from your bid, to costs reported from the job site—so you can better understand and remain in control of real costs every day, not weeks or months later. Using a laptop or tablet, executives, project managers, engineers and foremen can view, enter and track real-time status information about jobs for reported production quantities, labor hours, subcontractors, trucking, equipment hours and material quantities. Learn more... http://www.b2wsoftware.com/products/track/

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M.A. Mortenson Co. - Field-Centric Cost Management with B2W
M.A. Mortenson Co. - Field-Centric Cost Management with B2W

Hear from M.A. Mortenson Co. about how they leverage B2W's specialized technology to manage project costs w...

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A More Connected Approach to Field Operations
A More Connected Approach to Field Operations

This webinar explores how B2W Track helps heavy construction companies drive process efficiency and profita...

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