B2W One Platform - Why Use Our Construction Project Management Software

The Operational Networked Elements (ONE) platform by B2W Software provides the base infrastructure and integrated information for B2W Estimate and the B2W Operational Suite, which includes B2W Dispatch, B2W Track, and B2W Maintain. Regardless of which elements you own, information is networked across the ONE platform, resulting in a construction management solution that is always up-to-date. From executives, estimators and dispatchers in the office, to field workers on construction job sites and heavy machinery mechanics in the shop, everyone is on the same page with the ONE platform. Access to a unified, real-time solution enables your construction company to make informed decisions and maximize profitability. Learn more at: http://www.b2wsoftware.com

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James D. Morrissey Meets its Specific Needs with B2W
James D. Morrissey Meets its Specific Needs with B2W

Read how James D. Morrissey benefits from the ease of use and improved functionality of B2W Estimate and Tr...

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From 20% to 2% Variance with B2W Estimate
From 20% to 2% Variance with B2W Estimate

EPCOR is bidding significantly faster and more accurately and has linked its estimates with field operation...